Monday, April 11, 2005

The Weekend

The weekend came and went, and I remained firm not to call Spencer, even though I found out that my traitor sister in law who is supposed to be on my side did call him.

More importantly, though, the newsletter that I designed came out spectacularly, the client was happy, and their journal looked crappy, which could mean that I havea shot at their journal business for next year.

I'll just have to wait and see on that.

Meanwhile, they are asking me to work on more of their PR materials.

OF course, more of "it" happened. People coming over to me saying how happy they are for us that we are making Aliyah in front of people who I had not told yet. These are people I barely know who have heard through the well-oiled rumor mill wishing me well, when I would just prefer they shut up.

Lunch, as was expected, was full of Aliyah talk, which was actually a good thing since we ate with one of the Kollel Torah Mitzion families they have here.

It seems that if you had applied to Nefesh BNefesh over the past few months to go this summer, you still would not know A) If you were accepted by them B) How much money you were getting from them C) When you would be going.

Which means, when you think about it, there is no real difference between going this summer and next summer, since we would not find out any information until next april anyway. If we decided to leave this summer, it would give us about three months to sell our house, pack our things, pick a community and go.

And in reality, we have picked one of two communities that we are going to rent in at first, so all that is left is packing and selling the house. So there is not that big a difference between going today and going in a year.

Still, we are going to wait until next year, as there are some work things I am trying to work out that will take the coming year to smooth out and get a realistic feel for how it will work once I have left.

It is interesting how being at work gives one all the time in the world to write on these blogs. You're struck at a desk. There isn't that much else to do. And typing on a blog makes you sound busy.

That said, I am out of things to write.

Maybe later.


Blogger and so it shall be... said...

There is nothing less efficient that having a regualar job.

That said, what the hell am I doing on your blog when I have work to do.

April 11, 2005 2:00 PM  
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