Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Killing me slowly

Two years ago we had a disagreement with our cable company, and cancelled cable. Maybe I am jumping too far ahead.

A long time ago we didn’t have cable. We just had regular TV, which had terrible reception. But we survived, mostly by wearing out our VCR. But at some point, maybe when we were expecting our middlest, we got cable.

It was only supposed to be temporary, but we liked it and kept it. Suddenly, we could watch TV without seeing static all over the screen. We got rid of the rabbit ears, which seemed to help a bit, and were pleased with our cable picture.

When we moved into our house we got the digital box. Instead of 60 or 70 channels, we haad hundreds of channels, with PPV movies and a ton of movie stations as well. Missed a show we liked. Just watch it on the left coast feed. Our TV watching experience was first rate.

Then we got into a fight with the cable company, and cancelled cable. I returned the magical digital cable box, and all the channels and feeds that came with it, and tried to prepare myself for life without cable.

But that is when the miracle of this story takes place.

I plugged the cable wire into the back of the TV, just to see if it would improve the picture. It did more than improve the picture. It gave us our cable back. We were down to 60 channels, but how often did we watch Spanish MTV anyway. We clicked on 5, hoping against hope that HBO would be there. It was. We were still in the movies. Then we checked 22. Cinemax was coming in strong. There would be no porn deprivation for us either.

We had cable for free, but we lived in fear that the cable would be taken away. In fact, I called the cable company to reconnect that cable a few days after canceling. The fear of losing it was too much to bear. The cable company said there would be a $35 reconnect fee.

Reconnect, I said. We don’t need it reconnected. The cable is still coming in. All you have to do is start billing us again.

But they were unreasonable, and would not waive the bogus reconnect fee. So we told them to forget it. We would take our cable chances.

Two years later we are still getting free cable, but things are starting to change. Two weeks ago Cinemax disappeared. Then, last week, HBO was gone too.

Are they on to us? My brother, who has a cable modem and plugged the cable into his TV to discover that he had cable TV as well was recently disconnected, with a note saying he could sign up for cable if he wanted to have the TV portion of it.

For now, we are still getting our channels, less the premium channels. But what if the cable police come and take it away? What if we come home to find that there is no ESPN or Fox Sports Net inside our TV.

It will be a sad day indeed.


Blogger rockofgalilee said...

I would think that it is a bit immoral to watch cable tv without paying for it. But I think it is more immoral to try to charge a reconnect fee when it is already connected.

IMHO they wanted you to watch it for free - those dumb jerks.

June 22, 2005 1:51 PM  
Blogger Air Time said...

There is nothing immoral with watching it.

June 22, 2005 2:47 PM  
Blogger Just Shu said...

It would be immoral if we were running a cable from te neighbrs, but if they are giving it out for free, then I see nothing wrong with it. As for us (teh brother who lost his cable) I think we are going to have to pay, once we had cable, and teh clear picture, I just cant deal without it
I need me soem ESPN and FSN

June 22, 2005 2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We pay for cable and they just took away HBO and Cinemax. Don't know why, but it's a bunch of BS.

June 22, 2005 2:54 PM  
Blogger AMSHINOVER said...

how much porn can you watch

June 22, 2005 3:20 PM  
Blogger Air Time said...

All I know is if I had known this was going to happen I would have made some emergency porn tapes. Now I am going to have to get all my pron off the internet.

June 22, 2005 3:30 PM  
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