Sunday, May 22, 2005

Mishmar, Skokie Style

Yeshivos like to get their guys to learn late on Thursday night. Perhaps this is because Thursday Night is the Friday night of the yeshiva world, and they want to limit their student's interaction with the outside world. Or maybe it is because they know that as Yeshiva boys, we will be falling asleep early on Friday night, and sleeping through Shachris on Shabbos morning.

On Toronto they would tempt Mishmar goers with Donuts. Mercaz would schedule Chaburas that ran until just after the last bus went to town. But Skokie was the king of Mishmar. Perhaps there was a late learning session, it seems to me that there was. I do know that there was a late night hockey game.

From about 12-2 every Thursday night we would play floor hockey at the elementary school right near the diner where the girls were at when Nachman and Dave had their infamous interlude. Primarily Skokie guys, there would be guys would come from all around to play with us, including some guys from Telshe Yeshiva, and friends of different players.

It was a physical game, and one night a skinny lightweight friend of my roommate's got into a fist fight with Tani, a huge guy who had a dorm room and seemed to learn at the Yeshiva every once in a while.

On occasion, Skokie would spring for a post game BBQ, and we would finish the game and be treated to burgers and dogs. Skokie knew how to do Mishmar right.

Then, there were the nights we had to take Mishmar matters into our own hands. One night, after hockey, Dovi, who roomed with Tani and is not the same Dovi many of you know, turned 21. He went to the grocery across the street, and bought beer. A ton of beer. Hoping to be ID'd, he was disappointed when they let him buy and walk on through. Chimney turned his aspirin bottle into a homemade bong using a pen and the foil from his pack of cigarettes. (He was off the tree, but he still loved to make bongs, and would use it with plain tobacco).

The next morning, the Skokie Beis Medrash guys were not on davening. None of them. And the rabbis were not too pleased when they came up to the third floor and found garbage cans filled to the top with beer bottles, and the place smelling like smoke.

There was another witchhunt for the responsible for party, but no guilty party turned up. We were now all on probation.

There is a picture of Nachman and Dave, sitting on my couch in the dorm, quite close to one another, both drinking beer while nachman enjoys a cigarette as well.

Little did either one of them know of the betrayal that would one day transpire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you scan some pictures that go along with the stories?

May 23, 2005 1:37 PM  
Blogger Air Time said...

A) I don't know how appreciated that would be

B) I blog at work. I scan at home. I rarely blog-plan ahead enough to scan in a picture

May 23, 2005 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a third theory why nachman got sold out by dave. Maybe, based on the picture you have of the two of them close on the couch. Maybe just maybe they were in a secret gay affair. Dave was pissed because nachman was hitting on chicks. Have you heard from nachman or dave to see if they are still together? Makes you think hmmmmmm......

May 23, 2005 3:59 PM  
Blogger Air Time said...

this was Skokie, not telshe.

May 23, 2005 4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »

February 15, 2007 1:52 PM  

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