Those of you who struggle with this test, do not immediately justify it with bold statements about the uselessness of sports knowledge. Do not be afraid of it. Rather, be mindful of your ignorance, observe it, touch it, embrace it, and decide whether it is an important value of yours to be sports ignorant or sports gifted.
If ignorance is bliss, allow yourself the freedom to be ignorant, but learn to celebrate the wisdom of others. If wisdonm is what you seek, consider yourself a student, and do not be afraid of the task. It is not daunting, and can be an exciting journey, to learn about things you did not know, to be willing to ask others, and be comfortable with saying, "please let me learn."
Removing the shackles of insecurity is a beautiful thing, and is where much learning occurs--not just about the topic of interest, but about ourselves as well.
You forgot to add one thing:
Those of you who struggle with this test, do not immediately justify it with bold statements about the uselessness of sports knowledge. Do not be afraid of it. Rather, be mindful of your ignorance, observe it, touch it, embrace it, and decide whether it is an important value of yours to be sports ignorant or sports gifted.
If ignorance is bliss, allow yourself the freedom to be ignorant, but learn to celebrate the wisdom of others. If wisdonm is what you seek, consider yourself a student, and do not be afraid of the task. It is not daunting, and can be an exciting journey, to learn about things you did not know, to be willing to ask others, and be comfortable with saying, "please let me learn."
Removing the shackles of insecurity is a beautiful thing, and is where much learning occurs--not just about the topic of interest, but about ourselves as well.
you call that one thing?
I hope people click on the comments to this post. I'd like to hear what they think about all that.
It has the potential for dialogue. That's for sure. Can we cross-post here?
yeah, in the comments section its no problem.
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Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »
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