Monday, May 23, 2005

The Andre Incident

I talked or emailed everyone on the team individually over the past week in the Andre Incident.

Of the seven who were there, only one said to talk to him and see if he accepts responsibility for his actions and a willingness to change.

Everyone else wanted him at the very least suspended for one game, and everyone else wants him off the team next season.

My first hope was that the league would suspend him. That didn't happen. So now I have to.

I sent him an email this morning asking him essentially the same question I asked everyone else. How would he like last week's incident addressed. His response will either say that he addressed it when he apologized to the team (the lamest apology I have seen this Giambi), that it should be addressed by the team having his back when he goes to fight the league, or that what's done is done and lets move on.

I practiced the conversation with my wife yesterday, when we were driving yesterday. She did a pretty good job being a stubborn hockey player. She even through in a couple of curse words to make it all more realistic. So I am ready to go one on one with him.

I still don't know the measure of response though.

Assume he is apologetic (not likely, but let's play out all possibilities), and says look, I lost my head, I should have gone off the floor. I am sorry I embarrassed the whole team, caused a massive chilul hashem and let our team down. It won't happen again.

The league has decided he doesn't deserve to be suspended for a playoff game, although they did issue quite a stern warning. If it seems sincere, should it be accepted and we move on to the playoffs. We have two games this Wednesday. One at 8 PM and on at 10 PM. Should he be suspended the first game? For both games?

Assume he is belligerent, refuses to accept any responsibility for what happened, and wants to know why the team doesn't have his back when he is fighting the goyim?

What level of penalty is the right dosage? If we suspend him for one game, will he come play angry at the team in the second game. Whenever he comes back to the team, assuming we can move ahead in the playoffs, will it be as a player who is willing to play with his teammates. The crime doesn't seem to merit being kicked off the team completely, but if he misses both the first two playoff games, and we survive to play in the finals, should he come back. Will he even want to, or will he come back, act disruptively, and cause a huge scene.

He does have one thing over us. He has a jersey, and he knows that if he does not continue to play for our team, he needs to return the jersey. Will getting the jersey back become a problem?

There are little to no social repercussions for me, regardless of what happens. He is relatively new to town, lives on the other side, does not have kids who are school age, davens somewhere else, and if we didn't play hockey together, I never would have met him. Its not like the other guys on the team who I have known for most of my life.

This is right up at the top of the list of stupid things I have needed to be involved with. Hopefully, it will all be resolved today.


Blogger David Edward said...

if you are talking to yourself ( writing) be as verbose as you wish.
If youare writoing to be read, cut out some, EDIT, choose your words for impact. We love to read, but have short attention spans.

May 23, 2005 11:36 AM  
Blogger Just Passing Through said...

Don't listen to him Air. Keep it as is.

May 23, 2005 12:08 PM  
Blogger Air Time said...


Who am I writing for? I know I started out writing for myself. The extent of self promotion I have done was to email a few friends my address.

Let me start with this. You are absolutely correct when you words could be cut and the blog could be more impactful.

As a writing professional, formerly as a senior copywriter in a mid-sized ad agency and currently as a technical writer, I am familiar with info mapping, chunking material, and trying to create an impact with every word. The majority of what I write every day is in that style.

This blog is the writing path not taken. It is more verbose, and certainly doesn't get put up to the same level of scrutiny, both in content and grammar/spelling, that I apply to my professional writings.

I hope you continue read and enjoy Air Time.

May 23, 2005 12:44 PM  
Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

If you were to let him back onto the team for next season, I think it should come with a stern warning that if anything remotely like that happens again, there won't be another shot, and he'll be kicked off the team then and there.

May 23, 2005 1:21 PM  
Blogger Air Time said...

I don't think he is going to play with us next reason, regardless of promises made by him.

May 23, 2005 4:59 PM  
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April 25, 2007 11:39 AM  

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