Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Hardest Part

I'll admit it. There have been some exceedingly frustrating, painful, sad, difficult, frightening realities that accompany a giant life change such as making Aliyah. The goodbyes, the financial panic, the war...

But nothing has even touched how miserable I feel about the kids education. I left a situation where I was friends with their teachers before they were even born. I was in staff meetings helping to make decisions towards the betterment of the school; I was in constant contact with teachers of all subjects and adminitration; I was on recess and lunch duty with my children; most importantly, I was able to look in the window of their classrooms to see them learning.

In Israel most kids go to public school; ours are going to a religious public school. But I don't have any say in anything, or much information. I requested a school for the boys and only one was accepted because they're trying to open a more local place for first and second graders. My hesitations are many: the boys won't be together; the second grader won't be with his best friend from America who goes to the other school; the new school, while a religious public school, seems to be leaning towards a more left side religiously; and it's more disorganized than a normal Israeli school since it's only starting this year. There are advantages to sending him there, though. The classes will be smaller and he'll be in the oldest class all the way through elementary school. I have appealed the decision, though, and I am waiting.

The youngest is going to nursery. I would like her to have a positive experience in Gan. She loved her teachers last year and her camp counselors this summer. I have heard things about Morahs here that have made me lose sleep every night since. They say that a good Ganenet is great, but a bad Ganenet is so bad that sometimes they have to send her on a Sabbatical for a year so she can regroup. I have heard stories of abuse and constant screaming, and one child even had a shoulder dislocated. There are many good Ganim here, and I requested one of those. The problem is that since the Ganim are public, you either got in or you didn't. I have appealed to have her go to a Gan that has a good reputation. I have heard that there are two private Ganim here that are completely fantastic, and if I don't get one of the public ones I asked for, I may have to go that route.
Wow. Moved to Israel and still have to pay tuition. Albeit, a much smaller one.

Here's the other thing. I miss teaching.


Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

You don't think you could teach here?

August 10, 2006 5:58 PM  
Blogger Toto said...

Remember.........the squeaky wheel gets the grease here. Submit your appeals and go to the office every day to plead your case if you have to. It's not like in the states where persistance is annoying. Here, it's the persistant parent whose name is remembered when it is time to fill the last spot!


August 11, 2006 1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the uneasy feeling of trying to figure out what to do. Just remember we have the same problems over here as well. You happened to have an "in" with their school, so this was not much of an issue for you. But, me, being an out of towner, and starting out in the schools, I am feeling a similar stress. I have heard terrible stories about teachers and schools around here as well.

August 11, 2006 4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved her too!! Don't worry she'll be great wherever she is!!
Have fun!
Morah Beth

August 11, 2006 5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the most pathetic kvetch yet.
you used to be sitting pretty on the inside track of your kids education, a privileged condition which few others enjoy, and yet you seem to feel entitled to it. but guess what? being so involved with your kids education may have made you feel in control, but it was probably worse for the kids.

and you whine about the 'public education' your kids are getting in israel? didn't you bother looking into this teeny tiny but ever so crucial detail before jumping into what is laughingly called 'aliyah?'
you can't choose your kids school? you don't like israeli gans? just because the teachers are verbally and physically abusive?

welcome to the wonderful world of state-run education. where the state runs everything [can someone say ussr?] you have no say, and nobody cares. and you are just beginning to feel it.

and after the travesty of a school you subjected your kids to, you are concerned that your neighborhood school is 'a little to the left?!?' come on.
people are dropping like katyushas all over the north, and you complain that things aren't tailor made for you. waawaawaa.

August 13, 2006 11:59 AM  
Blogger Veev said...

All I can think of when I read the comment from our beloved Anonymous, is that his mother was too drunk to teach him manners.

August 13, 2006 5:03 PM  
Blogger mom said...

you'll get through this to, with flying colors! This is part of the whole upheavel of moving. Its scariest when it involves your kids, whom we all protect. Your mom is right, just keep the pressure on until you are satisfied with what you have.
This year you need to be there for your kids, after that you can look for a job.

August 14, 2006 2:18 AM  

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